Thank you for using AKtrailhead. I hope you find the information on this site useful. Alaska offers countless unique places to explore. Among the state's many attractions are spectacular glaciers, enormous mountains, stunning lakes, beautiful forests, and a large variety of plants and wildlife.

While Alaska can be one of the greatest places to explore the great outdoors, several of the factors that make it unique can also lead to potentially dangerous situations. Please - learn about the places you choose to hike in beforehand. It could save your life.

About the Author
My name is Dan Freckleton. I have lived in Alaska throughout much of my life. My interests include hiking, photography, web design, astronomy, snowboarding, and traveling. I have a great family and great friends, who have been with me through thick and thin.
I started this site in 2004 - just as something to do one boring summer day. It became an ongoing personal project of mine, which has been a rewarding part of my life, and allows me to help my fellow Alaskans, who I am more than happy to assist.
In summer of 2011, I suffered a life-altering injury as a result of a fall, which left me with a shattered vertabre in my back, and several ongoing nervous sytem issues. Fortunately, I was able to get back to walking. While I have partially recovered, my remaining issues have impacted my life greatly. Please feel free to donate, if you would like to help out, or just wish to support the site. I respond personally to anyone who chooses to contribute.
Contact information
If you have any questions about hiking in Alaska, or happen to have some input regarding the site, simply drop me a line in the boxes below: